Preventing secondary injury in neurocritical care patients is our first priority.
Developing solutions to prevent secondary injury and enhance healing in neurocritical care patients.
Cerevention MindsEye™ is now available to neurosurgeons after successful human use
Mizuho America has secured an exclusive agreement to distribute MindsEye to neurosurgeons in the U.S.
Read the Press Release (pdf)Our portfolio of innovative neurocritical care solutions includes novel, practical solutions to problems related to secondary injury.
We aspire to provide technologies and interventions to improve outcomes and efficiencies for neurocritical care patients. Our portfolio is built on an expert understanding of desired outcomes and intense focus on unmet needs in neurocritical care.

MindsEye™ Expandable Port
Developed out of neurosurgeons’ need for deeper access and better visualization. The MindsEye port extends surgical reach while minimizing the impact on surrounding tissue, so you can treat more patients, sooner.
Learn About MindsEye
Caution: Federal (U.S.A.) Law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.
Neurapheresis™ CSF Management System
The Neurapheresis™ Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Management System is designed to be a safe, device-based alternative for treating debilitating and life-threatening diseases that involve foreign bodies in the cerebrospinal fluid.
Learn About Neurapheresis CSF Management System
Caution: Investigational Device. Limited by Federal (U.S.A.) law to investigational use only.
DepiCT™ Neuroimaging Platform
DepiCT uses the power of AI to identify anatomic and physiologic features not available via current methods for more informed decision making.
Learn About DepiCT
DepiCT Neuroimaging Platform is currently under development. All subsequent material represents intended use.